pick at


pick at 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. to make criticisms of in a niggling or petty manner

pick at 近义词

v. 动词 verb

nag, provoke

更多pick at例句

  1. In such beer polls, I suspect a lot of voters would pick Huckabee.
  2. What image are you hoping people who pick up this book and read it, come away with?
  3. Couple guided Stella as she crawled and dipped her chest to pick up each magnet.
  4. Wellington, New Zealand Our Oceania pick is the latest city to wholeheartedly embrace the global Brooklyn movement.
  5. He said the brokers promise that the Italian navy will pick them up, which he says has actually driven the prices down.
  6. Tressan was monstrous ill-at-ease, and his face lost a good deal of its habitual plethora of colour.
  7. A fellow rudely clad—a hybrid between man-at-arms and lackey—lounged on a musket to confront them in the gateway.
  8. We are going to send our butler to the sale to-morrow, to pick up some of that sixty-four.
  9. The majority pick up a job when they can, but are inevitably idle and suffering two-thirds of the time.
  10. But if they all pick up the broadcast that this is where to get a free ride home, I'll have just another sand trap here.